
AlazarCoprocessorDownload() is a define that points to AlazarCoprocessorDownloadA() on Linux and on Windows if UNICODE is not defined. If UNICODE is defined on Windows, AlazarCoprocessorDownload() points to AlazarCoprocessorDownloadW(). The two functions only vary by the fact that they use narrow or wide string types.

Function Syntax#

RETURN_CODE AlazarCoprocessorDownloadA(HANDLE handle, char *fileName, U32 options)#

Downloads a FPGA image in RBF (raw binary file) format to the coprocessor FPGA.


ApiSuccess upon success, or an error code. See RETURN_CODE for more detailed information.

RETURN_CODE AlazarCoprocessorDownloadW(HANDLE handle, wchar_t *fileName, U32 options)#

Downloads a FPGA image in RBF (raw binary file) format to the coprocessor FPGA.


ApiSuccess upon success, or an error code. See RETURN_CODE for more detailed information.

LabVIEW Block Diagram#
